
Hello. My name is Morgan Johansson and I am a gamedesign and graphics student on Uppsala university, Gotland. Right now me and my group are working on our first game project. In a few weeks we shall create a 2D spaceshooter from a game design document created by another group. We choose the concept of Planet Suburbia. We’ve made some modfications but it is basically a planet who has reached the point of an utopia, gathered under one state, and alien invaders are trying to destroy the living standards on earth to make the people flee the leading planet of the galaxy. Your job is to shoot them down with as little means as necessary to maintain a high marketvalue on earth. TThey game is seperated in four sector whom you can unlock the longer you survive, making the game harder and more rewarding for your score. Basically you have to switch between the sectors you have unlocked and protected them all at the same time.

We have made the game in mostly pixelart and this week I have been for example working on the power ups effect, animating effects, sound which im psyched about! Styling the four different sectors, gameworlds, of the game. This is one of them.

Gameworld 1 example 1

What you can not see in this picture are the animation on the stars, fountain etc. All the AI turrets, avatar turret And HUD are also missing. Together with the houses, tree etc it will be programmed in separately but I put some in to give you a clear picture of what we are trying to achieve. We decided to make the background a bit darker and spacey with a lighter background of a bigger city to make the world seem bigger and clear of what is part of the game. For the acctually world we choosed to use light pastel colours. All sectors are inspired from different real cities, seasons of the year and different star constelation constellation. Even some of the styling and houses will of course be different.

A short reflection of how the week has gone. Everyone in the group have done great job this week. We have been sitting every day in school, early morning to afternoon and soon we have our pre-alpha (A short part of the game to try the basic gameplay) next week and it the feeling is good. We are in phase and looking forward to a new week of creating!

Best regards


En reaktion på ”GameWorld

  1. Hi Morgan!

    Really great to read about your groups progress and that everything is moving forward as expected. I like how you have a short explanation of what the game is about, which is something I missed myself. Funny enough your team received the concept that my group had written and we are all excited to see what you come up with.

    I see that you have taken on the challenge of animating which is something I’m also currently doing, though I would have liked seeing a GIF of some of the animations you have been working on. But the picture you chose clearly shows the colors and art-style you were aiming for and the skyline clearly shows what city you want to depict. But at the end it leaves me to question why you chose that kind of art-style and other visual design choices. Why is it played out during night? Does the stars matter or is it “just” a cool visual effect? Dose all of this match the aesthetics somehow?

    It would be nice to see if you tried to apply some thought behind the decisions or at least present them in your text. On the other hand I think you have done a great job! Since I know the aesthetics of this concept, I can tell that your color choices represent the colorful suburban area that was described in the concept document. Also it really looks like that classic nice and tidy American suburban area which also matches the concept.
    All and all, nice job and I wish you the best of luck with you development of the game.

    Kevin Alonso


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